
Permissible Companies Act of 2023

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  2. Government Briefings
  3. Permissible Companies Act of 2023

Joseon Permissible Companies Act of 2023

By the grace of God and the goodwill of the people of Joseon and the King, let it be enacted as follows:


  1. Preamble
    1. This Act is established to define the types of companies permissible within the jurisdiction of Joseon, ensuring a free, innovative, and prosperous business environment while maintaining restrictions on activities universally agreed to be harmful.
  2. General Provisions
    1. All companies formed and registered in Joseon shall be legal and permissible, provided they adhere to the provisions laid out in this Act and the applicable regulations.
    2. Companies operating within the jurisdiction of Joseon shall be allowed to engage in activities related to advanced technologies, including but not limited to artificial intelligence, blockchain, cryptocurrency, and encryption, provided that such activities are lawful and do not infringe upon the rights of others.
  3. Permitted Activities
    1. Companies in Joseon are permitted to engage in any lawful internet business activities, including but not limited to:
      1. Information technology services and development;
      2. E-commerce and online marketplaces;
      3. Financial technology and digital asset management;
      4. Research and development in various fields;
      5. Telecommunications and internet services;
      6. Media and entertainment;
      7. Manufacturing and production;
      8. Education and training;
      9. Health and medical services;
      10. Energy and resources;
      11. Transportation and logistics;
      12. Tourism and hospitality.
    2. Companies in Joseon shall be allowed to engage in activities that promote free speech, expression, and innovation, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, such as:
      1. Online platforms that enable user-generated content, protected under provisions similar to Section 230 of the United States Communications Decency Act;
      2. Services that provide encryption and privacy tools for individuals and businesses;
      3. Platforms for the exchange of ideas and opinions, without undue censorship or restrictions.
  4. Prohibited Activities
    1. Companies in Joseon shall be strictly prohibited from engaging in activities that involve:
      1. The production, distribution, or promotion of child pornography or any material that sexually exploits minors;
      2. The support, facilitation, or promotion of terrorism or violent extremism in any form;
      3. Human trafficking, forced labor, or any form of modern-day slavery;
      4. The illegal trade of weapons, drugs, or other harmful substances;
      5. Any activities that violate international laws, treaties, or agreements to which Joseon is a party.
  5. Enforcement and Penalties
    1. Companies found to be engaged in prohibited activities, as defined in this Act, shall be subject to investigation, prosecution, and penalties under the laws of Joseon.
    2. Penalties for violating the provisions of this Act may include, but are not limited to, fines, suspension or revocation of business licenses, and criminal charges against company owners, directors, or officers, as appropriate under Joseon laws and regulations.
  6. Amendments
    1. This Act may be amended by the Council of Dignitaries, Elders, and Revisionists (CODERS) in accordance with the established legislative processes, and with the approval of the King.
    2. This Act shall come into force on the date of its enactment and shall apply to all activities related to permissible companies within the jurisdiction of Joseon from that date forward.


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