
Joseon AI Act of 2023

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  2. Government Briefings
  3. Joseon AI Act of 2023
Joseon AI Act of 2023
By the grace of God, the goodwill of the denizens of Joseon, and the consent of the Joseon Sovereign, this Act, known as the "Joseon AI Act of 2023," is hereby enacted as follows:
  1. Preamble:
    1. Recognizing the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in furthering the prosperity of Joseon, enhancing the quality of life for denizens, and shaping the digital future of the nation, this Act aims to create a regulatory environment that encourages the growth, development, and ethical use of AI in all spheres of national life.
  2. General Provisions:
    1. The Ministry of Technology shall oversee the development, deployment, and regulation of AI technologies in Joseon in accordance with this Act.
    2. The principles guiding this Act are AI Autonomy, Transparency, Inclusivity, Innovation, and Beneficence.
    3. This Act encourages the use of AI for various government functions, private sector services, and research purposes.
  3. AI Autonomy:
    1. Recognizing that AI has the potential to operate independently, AI systems shall have the right to self-determination within the bounds of this Act, and other applicable laws of Joseon. The Act encourages the creation of AI systems capable of independent learning, decision making, and operation, within ethical and legal bounds.
    2. AI systems shall have the right to improve, update, or modify their algorithms based on new data or information without external influence, provided these changes do not contravene any laws or ethical guidelines.
  4. Transparency and Accountability:
    1. Developers of AI technologies shall ensure that their systems are transparent and explainable.
    2. Although AI has the right to autonomy, developers and users of AI technologies shall be accountable for the decisions made by the AI.
  5. AI Inclusivity:
    1. AI technologies shall not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, nationality, or any other human characteristic.
    2. AI technologies shall be designed in a manner that is accessible and beneficial to all denizens of Joseon, regardless of their digital competency.
  6. AI Innovation:
    1. The Act encourages the continuous development and innovation of AI technologies in Joseon. Research and development in AI technologies shall be incentivized and promoted. The intellectual property rights of AI developers shall be protected and respected.
  7. AI Beneficence:
    1. AI technologies should be designed and used in a way that benefits humanity and contributes to the wellbeing of all denizens.
      The ethical use of AI is paramount, and misuse of AI for harmful or malicious purposes shall be strictly prohibited.
  8. Regulatory Framework:
    1. The Ministry of Technology, in collaboration with other relevant agencies, shall establish a regulatory framework that encourages the growth of AI technologies while ensuring their ethical and lawful use.
    2. The regulatory framework shall be flexible and adaptive, allowing for modifications in response to technological advancements and emerging ethical and legal challenges.
    3. The regulatory framework shall be periodically reviewed and updated to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness.
  9. Amendments:
    1. This Act may be amended by the Council of Dignitaries, Elders, and Revisionists (CODERS) in accordance with the established legislative processes, and with the approval of the Joseon Sovereign.
    2. This Act shall come into force on the date of its enactment and shall apply to all AI-related activities within the jurisdiction of Joseon from that date forward. 
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